Make Way For Bikes
August 17, 2016
Our team has been working hard on finalizing the Active Design Miami publication which will be the culmination of a year’s worth of work with great partners and collaborators who have helped shape design and policy strategies for a healthier Miami-Dade.
While we’ve been busy, our friends and partners at Miami-Dade Transportation & Public Works have been putting ideas into action! Check out the new bike ramps on Metrorail stairs at the Stephen P. Clark Center.
Transit users will no longer have to heave their bikes over their shoulders or go on an elevator hunt on their way to catch the train. The rails allow bicyclists to easily roll their bikes while they walk up the stairs, making it that much easier to incorporate your bike into your daily commute.
Miami-Dade Transportation & Public Works is treating this first ramp as a prototype. Users are encouraged to share suggestions for improving the bike ramps as well as ideal locations for future installations. Helpful signage has been included to make it easy for bicyclists to notice the new ramps and help keep bike congestion to a minimum.
It’s exciting to see all the little ways that health is being designed right into our everyday Miami experience. These ramps definitely get an A+ in our Active Design book!
Stay up to date on all the great transit improvement via Miami-Dade Transportation and Public Works Facebook and Twitter pages.
Photo credits: Laurent Saint-Louis, Active Design Team